Lake Worth Lagoon – Blennies

We find blennies to be funny cute fish with their big rotating eyes, frilly cirri “eye brows” and darting movements.  The cirri are appendages off the head that vary in shape and size. They can be quite dramatic like the highlighted spikes off the Seaweed Blenny or the Molly Miller red and white striped cirri which match their mohawks.

Blennies also vary their body colors. The female roughhead blenny is bright yellow while the males have the darker coloring.  I have included a mating pair of Hairy Blennies which shows the male with a bright red face. The male Sailfin and Bluethroat Pikeblenny both throw their back fins up to attract females and warn other males off. Hope you enjoy some of my favorite blenny images from our Blue Heron bridge dives.

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