Deb’s Funky Shrimps

We recently saw two different colored Trachycaris rugosa shrimp on our Blue Heron Bridge dive. Surprisingly, they were within a foot of each other. We remember them as "Deb's Funky…

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Sailfin Blennies
Sailfin Blennies

Sailfin Blennies

  Male Sailfin blennies are out displaying for females at Blue Heron Bridge. There have been s few active "players" making for interesting photos. Sometimes the male sailfin blenny is…

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Mustache Jawfish

Another new find for us at Blue Heron Bridge last weekend. From an internet search, the fish appears to be a Mustache Jawfish. The identifying marks were the yellow orange…

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Seasonal Changes

We have noticed over the first year that we have been diving at Blue Heron Bridge that we see different things across the seasons. There is always something new for…

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